Tragedy struck
Japan on March 11, 2011 with a massive tsunami that has taken the lives
of many people. Also, the the world will feel the effects of this global
event as waters reach around the globe to effect coastlines. This event
will also create even further food shortages around the world.
We can make a difference to our global community by taking action today
to grow a personal garden. This will help to lesson the need for oil and
support global food stocks.
Remember that we are all in a global community and have a responsibility
to our family, friends, communities and humanity.
Prayer and meditation along with financial support and finally planting
a garden helps on levels to give support to Japan, Chile, Haiti, New
Zealand, Middle East and our global family in need.
Thank you,
Miriam Delicado
Japan March 2011 Support and Healing
Meditation on Universal Light
During an interview with Global Illumination Council Radio Hosts Dr
Bernard Alvarez and Yvonne Wykes allowed for an opportunity to share
this meditation. It is a powerful tool that can be used to create
anything. When you send the light out into the world, remember to
imagine this light moving through every person on the planet, into the
earth and out to the universe. Share clearly in a visual, emotional,
feeling what you are trying to create. For example, send the vision of
clear rivers, lakes, oceans with abundant fish to help heal the waters.
To create peace on earth send the light and the FEELING of every person
on earth smiling, happy, laughing, hugging each other and see this
vision and share it on the rays of light. Listen to the video
meditation, then be clear with what you are trying to create. Think
about the vision, feeling and emotion that would be present if it were a
Only focus on one thought or request for each meditation. That way it
will be more powerful.
Work with this energy to send calm, healing, balance to our earth and
We are in a world community and all those that have greater awareness
and knowledge now need to step forward to support those around us that
are struggling.
With all the information that has been shared with me by the tall blonds
in 1988 and even as recent as last week, they talk about THIS time, the
time of great change and how we could overcome the difficulties. I have
a positive view of our future because my faith in humanity making the
right choices for our future is not something to give up on. No matter
what happens we can overcome.... if e remember who we are and become
human beings again.
With much love and many blessings,
Thank you for your support
